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- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 00:20
- Image Title: Dubai-the shopping capital city of the Middle East- Panorama view
- Image Panorama view views: 1322 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 00:26
- Image Title: Dubai-the shopping capital city of the Middle East- The Swirl Towers
- Image The Swirl Towers views: 1590 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 00:28
- Image Title: Dubai-the shopping capital city of the Middle East- The Palm Islands
- Image The Palm Islands views: 1113 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 00:31
- Image Title: Dubai-the shopping capital city of the Middle East- The Tower of the Arabs
- Image The Tower of the Arabs views: 1686 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 00:33
- Image Title: Dubai-the shopping capital city of the Middle East- Wonderful City
- Image Wonderful City views: 1081 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 00:36
- Image Title: Dubai-the shopping capital city of the Middle East- Major tourist destination
- Image Major tourist destination views: 1744 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 00:38
- Image Title: Dubai-the shopping capital city of the Middle East- Modern metropolis of the world
- Image Modern metropolis of the world views: 2446 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:35
- Image Title: Barcelona- Arc de Triomf
- Image Arc de Triomf views: 1012 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:38
- Image Title: Barcelona- Sagrada Familia
- Image Sagrada Familia views: 2552 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:40
- Image Title: Barcelona- Great view
- Image Great view views: 633 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:43
- Image Title: Barcelona- Torre Agbar
- Image Torre Agbar views: 1114 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:46
- Image Title: Barcelona- Majestic structure
- Image Majestic structure views: 946 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:50
- Image Title: Barcelona- Amazing attraction
- Image Amazing attraction views: 1045 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:52
- Image Title: Barcelona- Fantastic view
- Image Fantastic view views: 763 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 10:54
- Image Title: Barcelona- Relaxing place
- Image Relaxing place views: 758 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 21:37
- Image Title: Athens-majestic capital city- Acropolis
- Image Acropolis views: 977 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Athens, Greece

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 21:40
- Image Title: Athens-majestic capital city- Parthernon Temple
- Image Parthernon Temple views: 706 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Athens, Greece

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jun 14th 2011, 22:26
- Image Title: Athens-majestic capital city- Marina view
- Image Marina view views: 811 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Athens, Greece

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:19
- Image Title: Lima- Relaxing place
- Image Relaxing place views: 736 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:22
- Image Title: Lima- Excellent view
- Image Excellent view views: 770 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:24
- Image Title: Lima- Great Cathedral
- Image Great Cathedral views: 643 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:28
- Image Title: Lima- City view
- Image City view views: 956 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:30
- Image Title: Lima- Miraflores
- Image Miraflores views: 1058 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:36
- Image Title: Lima- Fantastic atmosphere
- Image Fantastic atmosphere views: 671 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:39
- Image Title: Lima- Cliffs view
- Image Cliffs view views: 677 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Jun 15th 2011, 20:41
- Image Title: Lima- Majestic sunset
- Image Majestic sunset views: 896 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Lima,Peru

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Thu, Jun 16th 2011, 09:15
- Image Title: Jerusalem-the holy capital city of the world- Fascinating city
- Image Fascinating city views: 939 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Jerusalem, Israel

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Thu, Jun 16th 2011, 09:37
- Image Title: Jerusalem-the holy capital city of the world- The city of God
- Image The city of God views: 1355 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Jerusalem, Israel

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Thu, Jun 16th 2011, 09:38
- Image Title: Jerusalem-the holy capital city of the world- The National Museum
- Image The National Museum views: 656 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: top capital cities in the world, best capital cities in the world, top capital cities in the world, the most attractive capital cities in the world, the most wonderful capital cities in the world, impressive capital cities in the world, Jerusalem, Israel

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jun 17th 2011, 10:45
- Image Title: Sydney- The Opera House
- Image The Opera House views: 945 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, Sydney, Australia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jun 17th 2011, 10:56
- Image Title: Sydney- Harbour Bridge
- Image Harbour Bridge views: 1056 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, Sydney, Australia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jun 17th 2011, 11:06
- Image Title: Sydney- Beach view
- Image Beach view views: 865 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, Sydney, Australia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jun 17th 2011, 22:05
- Image Title: Buenos Aires- Plaza de Mayo
- Image Plaza de Mayo views: 1165 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jun 17th 2011, 22:07
- Image Title: Buenos Aires- Unique monuments
- Image Unique monuments views: 1152 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jun 17th 2011, 22:08
- Image Title: Buenos Aires- Puerto Madero
- Image Puerto Madero views: 1309 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jul 1st 2011, 18:34
- Image Title: Bogota- Street view
- Image Street view views: 1347 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, best tourism in Bogota, major attractions in Bogota, Palaza de Bolivar, La Candelaria, Museum of Archaeology, Regional Costume Museum, Botero Museum, Monserrate, Usaquen, Zona Rosa, Bogota, Colombia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jul 1st 2011, 18:36
- Image Title: Bogota- City view
- Image City view views: 1091 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, best tourism in Bogota, major attractions in Bogota, Palaza de Bolivar, La Candelaria, Museum of Archaeology, Regional Costume Museum, Botero Museum, Monserrate, Usaquen, Zona Rosa, Bogota, Colombia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jul 1st 2011, 18:39
- Image Title: Bogota- Beautiful landscape
- Image Beautiful landscape views: 1121 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, best tourism in Bogota, major attractions in Bogota, Palaza de Bolivar, La Candelaria, Museum of Archaeology, Regional Costume Museum, Botero Museum, Monserrate, Usaquen, Zona Rosa, Bogota, Colombia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jul 1st 2011, 18:44
- Image Title: Bogota- Majestic Cathedral
- Image Majestic Cathedral views: 782 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, best tourism in Bogota, major attractions in Bogota, Palaza de Bolivar, La Candelaria, Museum of Archaeology, Regional Costume Museum, Botero Museum, Monserrate, Usaquen, Zona Rosa, Bogota, Colombia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jul 1st 2011, 18:48
- Image Title: Bogota- Plaza de Bolivar
- Image Plaza de Bolivar views: 1092 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, best capitals and cities in the world, most impressive capital cities to visit, most fashionable capital cities, best capitals to live in, best capitals cities, best cities to live in, major capital cities in the world, best tourism in Bogota, major attractions in Bogota, Palaza de Bolivar, La Candelaria, Museum of Archaeology, Regional Costume Museum, Botero Museum, Monserrate, Usaquen, Zona Rosa, Bogota, Colombia

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Mon, Jul 4th 2011, 00:03
- Image Title: Bucharest- Wonderful city
- Image Wonderful city views: 986 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best tourism in Romania, the most places in Bucharest, best capital cities in the world, best cities in the world, Bucharest, best city to visit, wonderful capital city in the world, most beautiful city in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Mon, Jul 4th 2011, 00:05
- Image Title: Bucharest- Arc de Triomphe
- Image Arc de Triomphe views: 1059 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best tourism in Romania, the most places in Bucharest, best capital cities in the world, best cities in the world, Bucharest, best city to visit, wonderful capital city in the world, most beautiful city in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Mon, Jul 4th 2011, 00:09
- Image Title: Bucharest- Romanian Atheneum
- Image Romanian Atheneum views: 1291 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best tourism in Romania, the most places in Bucharest, best capital cities in the world, best cities in the world, Bucharest, best city to visit, wonderful capital city in the world, most beautiful city in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Mon, Jul 4th 2011, 00:11
- Image Title: Bucharest- Wonderful building
- Image Wonderful building views: 828 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best tourism in Romania, the most places in Bucharest, best capital cities in the world, best cities in the world, Bucharest, best city to visit, wonderful capital city in the world, most beautiful city in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Mon, Jul 4th 2011, 00:14
- Image Title: Bucharest- Glorious building
- Image Glorious building views: 1138 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best tourism in Romania, the most places in Bucharest, best capital cities in the world, best cities in the world, Bucharest, best city to visit, wonderful capital city in the world, most beautiful city in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Mon, Jul 4th 2011, 00:16
- Image Title: Bucharest- Bancorex building
- Image Bancorex building views: 972 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best tourism in Romania, the most places in Bucharest, best capital cities in the world, best cities in the world, Bucharest, best city to visit, wonderful capital city in the world, most beautiful city in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Mon, Jul 4th 2011, 00:18
- Image Title: Bucharest- Marvelling castle
- Image Marvelling castle views: 769 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best tourism in Romania, the most places in Bucharest, best capital cities in the world, best cities in the world, Bucharest, best city to visit, wonderful capital city in the world, most beautiful city in the world

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jul 5th 2011, 14:20
- Image Title: Sophia- Wonderful architecture
- Image Wonderful architecture views: 986 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, most fashionable capital cities in the world, best capital cities to visit in the world, best capital cities to live in, best cities, most impressive capital cities, most important capital cities in the world, Sophia, Bulgaria, about Sophia, history of Sophia, attractions in Sophia, best cities of Europe, best tourism in Bulgaria, best tourism in Sophia, The St. Sophia Cathedral, the Antique Serdica Fortress, Zagora, the National Gallery of Art, the Ivan Vazov Theatre, the Nevsky Cathedral, nightlife in Sophia, the Synagogue in Sophia, St. Kliment Ohridski University, the City Park, the Royal Palace, the National Palace of culture,

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jul 5th 2011, 14:24
- Image Title: Sophia- Fantastic view
- Image Fantastic view views: 1035 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, most fashionable capital cities in the world, best capital cities to visit in the world, best capital cities to live in, best cities, most impressive capital cities, most important capital cities in the world, Sophia, Bulgaria, about Sophia, history of Sophia, attractions in Sophia, best cities of Europe, best tourism in Bulgaria, best tourism in Sophia, The St. Sophia Cathedral, the Antique Serdica Fortress, Zagora, the National Gallery of Art, the Ivan Vazov Theatre, the Nevsky Cathedral, nightlife in Sophia, the Synagogue in Sophia, St. Kliment Ohridski University, the City Park, the Royal Palace, the National Palace of culture,

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Tue, Jul 5th 2011, 14:26
- Image Title: Sophia- Beautiful architecture
- Image Beautiful architecture views: 751 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: best capital cities in the world, most fashionable capital cities in the world, best capital cities to visit in the world, best capital cities to live in, best cities, most impressive capital cities, most important capital cities in the world, Sophia, Bulgaria, about Sophia, history of Sophia, attractions in Sophia, best cities of Europe, best tourism in Bulgaria, best tourism in Sophia, The St. Sophia Cathedral, the Antique Serdica Fortress, Zagora, the National Gallery of Art, the Ivan Vazov Theatre, the Nevsky Cathedral, nightlife in Sophia, the Synagogue in Sophia, St. Kliment Ohridski University, the City Park, the Royal Palace, the National Palace of culture,