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- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:51
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- General view of the castle
- Image General view of the castle views: 1248 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:51
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- General view
- Image General view views: 1777 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:53
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- Alcazar Towers
- Image Alcazar Towers views: 1675 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:54
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- View of the castle
- Image View of the castle views: 1352 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:55
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- Beautiful panoramic views from the castle
- Image Beautiful panoramic views from the castle views: 1293 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:56
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- Side view
- Image Side view views: 1274 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:57
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- The towers of the castle
- Image The towers of the castle views: 919 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 18:58
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- Close view of the castle
- Image Close view of the castle views: 1179 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Wed, Apr 7th 2010, 19:00
- Image Title: Segovia Castle, Spain- Segovia Castle
- Image Segovia Castle views: 1422 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Castles, amazing, beautiful, impressive, architecture, buildings, fortress, tourism, travelling, trips, Segovia Castle, Spain