
The most isolated places in the world -> World Tourism


About The most isolated places in the world

Nowadays, the world is full of amazing possibilities and technology that permits to travel and explore each part of the world. Everyone can reach a continent in some hours, can explore the most spectacular places and locations, can travel in the selected destinations with no fear of difficulties and barriers in his way. This fact allows us to suppose that every place in the world is easy to acces. Despite all these chances, there are various places in the world where someone can get really hard. It is said that these places are located at the end of the world.
Vote the best in order to establish the winner in The most isolated places in the world.

The Tristan da Cunha archihelago

   Tristan da Cunha represents a island archipelago placed in the Atlantic Ocean. It is recognized as the most solitary place in the world.  Its neighborhoods can be named the South Africa and America. This teritory is controled by the British authorities, beeing attached in 1816, primarily by Saint Helena. Tristan Da Cunha is the person who first discovered the island and this place was named after him. The Tristan da Cunha islands assimilated the British curr...

The Pitcairn Islands

   The Pitcairn Islands can be found in the farrest areas of the Pacific Ocean. The location was discovered in 1789 by sailors, who were amazed by the islands spectacular nature and relaxing ambiance. The Pitcairn Islands is a British sea area, but the administrative board is in Auckland, New Zealand. The people who leve in these area are of anglo-tahitean etnicity.  There were just 50 people living there in really simple conditions, their main activity was fis...

The Kerguelen Islands archipelago

   The Kerguelen Islands represents an archipelago, placed in the Indian Ocean. This teritory was found by an researcher in 1770, after what it was taken under the jurisdiction of France. The fact that it is situated really far from the modern and developed world makes this place hard to be reached, but it has local people living there, about 100 persons. That is the reason that there are no permanent people living there, besides the explorers, navigators and s...

The Cape York Peninsula, Australia

   For those who are looking to have a really adventurous journey, the perfect destination is the Cape York Peninsula in Australia. This place is located in the Cairns region, a far area from the modern cities in Australia. The Cape York peninsula will amaze you with the spectacular landscapes, enormous lakes and wild nature. The permanent Cape York’s residents represents almost 20.00 people. The Lakefield, the Weipa town, the Jardine River...

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